Leaf Protection For Gutters

Leaf Protection For Gutters

We all know why it’s important to keep our gutters clear of leaves, helicopters, pine needles, and other dirt and debris. Without clean gutters, one of our most important investments – our home – is subject to bigger and more expensive problems. Therefore, it’s in our best interest to consider some leaf protection for our gutters to ensure our home stays protected.

leaf protection for gutters

When it comes to choosing leaf protection for your gutters, there are some important things to consider before buying. 


Before purchasing leaf protection, check to see if there’s a warranty on the product. A good product will have a lifetime warranty. A lifetime warranty tells you that the product actually works. There are a lot of different options for leaf protection on the market today, and that warranty is going to save you from having to keep purchasing leaf protection for your gutters every year. 


What the leaf protection is made of matters. Aluminum is one of the most popular materials for gutters. This material is rust-resistant, fully waterproof, long-lasting, and available in a variety of colors to match your home. Aluminum is one of the strongest, lightweight materials out there. Vinyl on the other hand is cheap and lightweight, however, will not last nearly as long as aluminum will. So in the long run, you’ll be spending more money to keep replacing gutter materials made of vinyl. Additionally, vinyl is prone to sagging and leaking. 

Selecting the Right Solution

Lastly, and most importantly, it’s essential to pick the right system for your problem. There are a variety of different covers on the market, but not all of them will work for specific problems. For example, if you have pine needles or helicopters, any type of screen or mesh filter will not solve your problem.

pine needles

Not all leaf protection is created equal. If you have one or multiple problems, a seamless gutter system is your best bet, as it will deflect leaves, pine needles, helicopters, and more away from your home. This will ensure your gutters stay clog-free and your home protected throughout all seasons. 

gutter guards

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